Thursday, March 22, 2012

male/female toys

When I was a kid my mum let me play with what ever I wanted, I had Lego cubes and Barbie dolls, little cars, and Cicciobello but also toys normally bought for male kids like swords, guns, robots and so on. I do not like to teach Momichan the difference between games and toys for females and males, I do not want her to have limits of this kind, I'd just like she can choose between what she really like not depending if it is something for male or not I just told her there are amusing and boring toys and games, so as this morning as I was at a superstore looking around while waiting my pc to be fixed up (it had a fastidious virus) I gave a look around at the book and toy section.
I found two new little books she was missing, Mulan and Stich (she has about 26 little books like this, Aristocats, Cinderella, Peter Pan ... and she loves to give a look and read before going to bed or take them in her sack when we go somewhere with the car), I also found a small blue car and I thought it would have been cute to play with inside the park.

As I reached Momichan in the kindergarden she quickly gave a look inside my sac and saw the little car, she gave a big smile and say "thankee mommyyyyy" :) we went to the park and she started to play everywhere, she never left the small car neither to go on the balance or the slider and when we came back home and I changed her to go to bed after dinner she wanted to keep it :) guess no other toy ever was much appreciated :) though she has two soft Ikea dolls and accessories (one japanese and the other black), little wooden trains, Lego block, many books, pelouches and more :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

After a few days the small blue car is still on top of preferred toys and Momichan still asks me to take it with whenever we go to the park ^^

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