Wednesday, March 7, 2012

hair cut and invitation for a cake ^^

Today Momichan is again having her hair cut, she wants them to be long but when hot temperature is making her head sweat she sayis she hates her hair HAHAHA so I take her to the hairdresser.

Momichan loves when the hairdresser wash her hair and then cut, she looks herself in the mirror and tells everybody she is cute HAHAHA (foto on the left BEFORE CUT).

This time her hair are really long, in the family we all have short hair, I do not like long hair and are absolutely not practical for a baby I have to wash every day, I have no time to spend to dry her hair, while if Momichan has short hair is easier with the phon to get them dry and she is more "cute" :) After having finished, I pay and look my cell phone ringing, a message has arrived, a friend is inviting us to his home to have a snack with a cake WOW.

The friend lives near our house, his mum is baking a cake and as she opens the door a yummy smell comes out ^O^ the kids start to play, Peppe shows his bedroom and his toys to Momichan and they start to play and jump around while his mum Maira and I have a chat and a coffee in the kitchen.
The cake is two colours: chokolate and normal, soft yummy :) Maira pours some chokolate cream on it and after call the kids to have a slice.

She even gives me a big slice to take home YUM, she doesn't know that the cake slice just after having been photographed has disappeared in my belly with the velocity of a lightning HAHAHA so yummy indeed but you know I'm a sweet teeth HAHAHA ^^

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