Friday, March 20, 2009

A Winnie Pooh Bento ...

I found on Flickr this bento made by Luckysundae and showing character Winnie Pooh ^^
I made my version of the same bento but is not really the same anyway I tried to make it cute.
(If you want to read it in italian click here ^^)



Cuisine Paradise said...

Oh No... your bento is so so so cute... your girl is so lucky.... :) Love the pooh bento. U spent a lot of time doing?

Unknown said...

not so much, less than one hour ost of which spent to colour the cheese to make Pooh and the insects ^^

Cuisine Paradise said...

Wow... so the insects are made from cheese? What kind of colouring do you use?

Unknown said...

yes insects are made of cheese ^^
I used food colous bought on ebay, smal vases with a king of gel i can use simply taking the paint with a small brush and coluring the food ^^

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