おたんじょうび おめでとう 桃ちゃん!
Today our little baby is 1 year old ^O^
It seems so strange to realize that alredy one year has gone since I came back from hospital with baby Momichan in my arms, she was so little and delicate, always hungry and with eyes closed, slept all day long and awakened only to eat HAHA now she sleeps only during the night and an hour during the day, eats four times breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner plus a milk bottle during the night), she has learnt so many things, almost walks by herself and communicate with cryes, shouts, laughs and strange words she invents ^^
For lunch we decided to go to granny to have a family party.
Granny was cooking food and when we arrived we just had to prepare the table. We had taken all the presents for Momichan with us and also ome baby food in case Momichan would not eat normal one. While we were waiting for last things to be ready I gave lunch to Momi, tagliatelle with cream and spinach, she eated all and after when my mum tok our food ont he table she also tried, eated potatoes, peppers and a little bit of roasted meat butshe seemed to appreciate more the grilled peppers.
After that we had the cake, a special one with Anpanman アンパンマン on it, I ordered at the sweet shop, I had searched on internet a suitble image and printed in colours to make the "patissiére" print on the cake and that's the result ^^
Here Momichan is having her cake, she wanted to carve and make slices HAHAHA :) we lighted the candle but she can't understand how to blow off the candle so I made, she was astonished even if she saw last month me doing the me and her daddy the month before, however this time she eated the cake and seems to like.
I wonder what willit be the second b'day next year, maybe she will understand more and I hope we will have possibility to decorate home with ballons and have music (she will walk) and special hats and a giant "happy birthday" written on a paper hanging from the wall and other decorations. After lunch she was sleepy, her daddy started to play chess with granny while I tried to make Moi sleep taking her out in the garden but she fall asleep only when I dresseed her to go back home and put on the stroller, she went on sleeping once we arrived home, I put on her bed and relaxed a little.
Do not know what she will remember of this day anyway we have records, fotos and films to show her in the future :)
auguri piccolinaaaaaaaaaaaa
un bacione meme
ciao Meme, Momi è resciuta un sacco ed è diventata grande adesso anche se è sempre la solita piccolina paffutella HEHE
Adesso ha 6 dentini e cammina da sola ogni tanto quando non se ne accorge ^^
happy birthday little momi!
God bless you and your mummy + daddy.
That's excellent print btw, great ideas! I might need to borrow that for my son's birthday :-)
no problem, if you give me your email I will send the original image and other I found so cute, but my cake was little so I did not have much choice and also they did not make the cake as I wanted and made the image too little ^^
I have also a image o a doraemon cake wich is really super ^^
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