Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oyatsu !

Four o'clock is for Momichan time for oyatsu (afternoon snack) so I have to prepare a bottle of milk for her and now her bottles are really big ! ^___^
To prepare quickly I recently bought a special box with compartments so that I can put inside three doses of milk and at the right moment I just have to pour it inside the bottle and add hot water without loosing time every time to count the spoons :-)
Here is Momichan today sleeping on the sofa while outside a strong wind is blowing ^^

Here you can see the box, has three compartments and can easily contain 7 x 3 = 21 doses of powdered milk for Momichan ^^

Le quattro sono per Momi ora di merenda e quindi ora per medi prepararle un biberon grande e i suoi di adesso lo sono sul serio visto che la sua dose è di 7 misurini per 210 cc di acqua ^^
Per fare più in fretta invece di contare ogni volta i misurini, ho ocmprato una scatoletta apposita della stessa linea AVENT del biberon, che ha 3 scomparti ciascuno dei quali tiene tranquillamente i 7 misurini di latte, quando mi serve, basta solo che apro il tappo della scatoletta e lascio cadere la polvere nel biberon, aggiungo acqua calda ed è fatto ^^


Momichan Hairy Friend ...

In our house apart from Momichan and us, live a hairy friend.
Nearly 9 kilos weight, soft and with long long hair, long moustache, yellow eyes and a long soft tail.
He is 14 years old and lives with me since ever, his mum, a grey coloured hairy persian cat named Rajah gave him birth the 11the july 1995 under my bed at my mum's house (at that time I was still living with parents)
His name is Felix.

This grey cat was Felix mom, her name was Rajah, she was born the 5th june 1993, died on 2nd march 2007.
She was the most special and sweetest cat ever, she understood so many things of me more than Felix will ever do.
In my blog O BENTO NET, I wrote and dedicated her, two posts and a special bento box. "Un momento di raccoglimento" is the one in which I am giving the news about her death and "Paffy Bento" is the special big bento I made to remember her ^^

Nella nostra casa a parte noi e Momichan, vive un amico peloso, quasi 9 kili di peso, tutto muscoli e niente grasso, pelo lungo folto e morbido, lunghi baffi, grandi occhioni gialli e una lunga coda morbida.
Ha 14 anni e vive con me dalla sua nascita, la sua mamma era una persiana grigia di nome Rajah scomparsa nel marzo 2007 a 14 anni di età.
Il suo nome è Felix ^^

Hey ! Look At Me !

Momichan is 4 months old now and she is trying to make new things, first of all trying to lift head up so that she can get shoulder and neck muscles to get stronger.
Here she is on the sofa ... "I'm trying to stay... ouch is so difficult ..."

"Hey I made it yeeeeeeee !!! Look at me !!!"


Momichan ha 4 mesi ormai e cerca di fare cose nuove, prima tra le quali tirare su la testina cosi da rinforzare i muscoli di collo e spalle, guardatela qui cosa fa ^^
Date un occhiata alle due fotoquando ce l'ha fatta è tutta felice ^^

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Strange sounds ....

Momichan is experimenting new sounds but sometimes she's really funny also when I guess she doesn't want to.
This morning for example she started weeping, she always does when she's tired and has to sleep (after lunch around 13,00 and in the evening around 19,00) so she was weeping but she was making also another funny sound.
The result was she didn't seem convinced to weep ... and we were bursting into laugh like crazy ... heart it yourself ^____^

Momichan sta sperimentando nuovi suoni e un pòchino sta anche cambiando voce.
Stamattina si messa a piangere, lo fasempre quando è stanca e deve dormire, verso le 13,00 e verso le 19,00 la sera, solo che oggi non sembrava molto convinta di voler piangere perchè faceva anche un buffo suono e noi al vederla morivamo dal ridere, poi lo abbracciata un momento e la ho rimassa giù sul divano e lei si è addormentata come un sasso ^^
Sentitela voi stessi ^^

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Winnie Pooh Bento ...

I found on Flickr this bento made by Luckysundae and showing character Winnie Pooh ^^
I made my version of the same bento but is not really the same anyway I tried to make it cute.
(If you want to read it in italian click here ^^)


Growing Up ...

Here following are the measures of Momichan growing up in time ...

Birth day 19/11/2008 weight 4060 gramms - height 52 cm
11/12/2008 weight 4400 gramms -
12/01/2009 weight 5060 gramms - height 56 cm
13/02/2009 weight 4550 gramms -
19/02/2009 weight 5590 gramms - height 58 cm
19/03/2009 weight 6020 gramms - height 63 cm


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

♫ Momi plays with her feet ♫

Momichan εїз has started to do two new things, first she has discovered new voice tones and she bubbles all day long tring to make new sounds, she is so funny when she does BRRRMMM BVVVVV :-)
The other thing is that she has started playing with her feet, she has never made before ^^
Here is Momi this morning ^^

Momichan εїз ha iniziato a fare due cose nuove, sta scoprendo nuovi toni di voce e si diverte da matti a fare bolle e pernacchie, è buffissima quando fa BRRRMMM BVVVVV :-)
L'altra cosa è che ha iniziato come da manuale a giocare coi piedini, ed ecco Momi fotografata stamattina ^^

Winnie Pooh Baby Food Accessories

Momichan likes her Winnie Pooh bottle so much so I was searching some place where to buy another bottle, comforter and the tower for the milk.
A friend gav me this address: http://www.ipergmc.it/clementonipappa.html and I went to give a look. They have so many cute bottles and other accessories to give food to babies but the best are this ones:
the first bottle on the left is 250 cc - the other two are bottles are 125 cc, the red capped has the tinking cup (same as I found and bought the other week at the supermarket)

Here is the comforter and clip to hold it to the dress of the baby, and the other foto is the case (same one I found and bought the other week at the supermarket)

Theese two items are both containers for powdered milk, the tower you can also use as a mini 3 tiered bento for a 4 year old kid ^^

Here you can see a special glass 275 cc that babies can hold by themselves and drink easily, and a set of coloured spoon and fork ^^

This one is a eating-time set composed by a small bowl, dish, special cup, spoon adn fork (like the ones for bento sets) ^^

Store does not send to Asia but in so many other countries ^^
All items are made by Clementoni.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Day With Granny

Today it was very sunny so we decided to take a walk.
I had to go pharmacy to buy the Hipp milk for Momichan, then as temperature was very hot we went to the ice cream shop to buy a big tangerine and strawberry ice cone.
As Momichan was staring at me and seemed interested in it I made her try a little bit, tangerine she loved so much, she ate tree spoons, strange is that it has an acid taste, strawberry instead she disliked totally but it was fresh anyway ^^
After that we walked to my mum's house and Momichan fall asleep in her ovetto, here she is hugging her little tinkling yellow cow ^^

As spring is coming, mum's garden is changing little by little and the first flowers are starting to bloom, here are the first daffodils ^^

When we arrived mum's house Momichan awaked, she is always happy to see granny and theese days she wants to show everybody how good she is in making new sounds and funny faces ^^

Everytime we arrive at mum's house we take Momichan at the bottom of the garden to see the japanese koi, here sister has some pools with the fishes and some of them reach at least 90 cm, good funny water giants that Momi loooks amused every time when they come near us with open mouth like if they want to say "hello" (the pink one is the biggest and more friendly of all, in the pool there are 15 fishes from 60 to 90 cm)

Mum's house is a place with a big garden full of trees most of which are more than 40 years old, house is made in a particular style on two floors. At the first floor there are two bedrooms and a bathroom where my sister and I stayed when we were living with parents, this part of the house we are thinking to transform in a next future, into a small apartment for us, (a bedroom, a bathroom and a living room with a open kitchen corner).
The apartment would be half the one we are living now but we would have many advantages and also my mum, first of which, have the possibility to see her grand daughter grow up, then we would have no more house charges and loan to pay, a garden where Momichan can grow safely, every holiday togather, X'mas and birthdays specials, we can stay in our little apartment but use all the rest of the house in case of need and mum can come up, also expences would be halved, also as Momi's father will always arrive late at night (because he is a cook), we can stay up by ourselves in our little apartment or come down in mommy's aparment and stay alltogather, eat and cook togather or watch tv staying comfy on the giant sofa in the livingroom, play games and eat hot choko and cream during winter, eating chetnuts in front of the fireplace during automn, collecting momiji's leaves in the garden to make colorful compositions and invent a thousand of games for Momi, and so many other wonderful things.
Everytime mommy would need help for the garden she can count on us and maybe Momichan would also help collecting leaves or helping granny with the flowers and little plants ^^

One thing I loved when I was living there, is that eveytime it rains you can hear the drops falling on the roof and it gives a relaxing feeling, so if we can live there at the first floor (you can see here in the foto below where there is the flag) Momichan will have possibility to feel the same.

From the balcony of the first floor Momichan will have possibility to look at her pine tree and eventually some X'mas we can decorate with colorful balls and ribbons and maybe lights ^^

Momichan seems enthusiastic when we tell her all of this, she always smiles and she is so happy everytime she sees her granny but for her everything is new, anyway we cannot realize this project before 5/6 years but is a cute project to think at ^^

Oggi visto che era una bella giornata di sole, siamo usciti a spasso io e Momichan. Dovevo passare in farmacia per ritirare il suo latte Hipp che avevo ordinato e poi visto che faceva caldo siamo andate al negozio di gelati per comprare un grosso cono cialda con mandarino e fragola coperto di panna e polver di cannella SLURP. Momi mi guardava con aria interessata cosi le ho fatto assaggiare il gelato, il mandarino lo adora anche se è un pò acidulo per i suoi acerbissimi gusti mentre la fragoal sembra non piacerle affatto.
Finito il gelato ci siamo diretti a casa di mamma e lei come sempre si è addormetata nel suo ovetto durante la strada. (FOTO 1)
Con l'avvicinarsi della primavera sbocciano i primi fiori, questi giorni ogni volta che entravamo mostravo a Momi le piantine, poi i boccioli e oggi i fiori, Momi ha visto come sono cambiati in pochi giorni anche se non so se realizza ancora :-) (FOTO 2)
Arrivati da mia mamma, Momi si è svegliata, (FOTO 3) è sempre felice di vederla e in questi giorni anche di mostrare a tutti come sta diventando brava a fare facce buffe, nuovi suoni e pernacchie ^^
Ogni volta che arriviamo da mamma, portiamo Momi in fondo al giardino (dove mia sorella tiene le sue vasche dei pesci), per mostrarle le grosse carpe giapponesi, la rosa fotografata qui è una delle più grosse, misurano da 60 a 90 cm e quando ci avviciniamo lei arriva aprendo e chiudendo la bocca come per salutare e arrivata vicino a noi, esce con la testa dall' acqua per farsi accarezzare (FOTO 4) ^^
Casa di mamma è un posto molto grande, un giardino immenso per una bimba e una grande casa in uno stile particolare su due piani al secodo dei quali ci sono due camee e un bagno dove stavamo io e mia sorella quando vivevamo con i genitori, questa parte di casa noi la vorremmo trasformare in un piccolo appartamento per noi tre ma anche se le dimensioni sarebbero circa la metà di quello dove viviamo ora ci sarebbero molti vantaggi per noi e per mamma.
Lei avrebbe la possibilità di veder Momi crescere, noi la potremmo aiutare in giardino, non sarebbe più sola, divideremmo le spese, potremmo stare nel nostro appartamentino o scendere giù e stare tutti insieme. Siccome il papà di Momo (fa il cuoco) arriva sempre tardi di notte, io Momi mamma potremmo cucinare, mangiare e guardare la tv insieme sul grande divano nel suo salotto, in inverno bere cioccolata calda davani al fuoco, in autummo ad esempio mangiare castagne e raccogliere foglie colorate in giardino per fare quaudretti e composizioni o inventarci mille giochi da fare con Momo. (FOTO 5)
Una cosa che mi piaceva molto da piccola era che quando pioveva siccome la mai camera era direttamente sotto al tetto, (FOTO 6) sentivo la pioggia cadere ed era una cosa molto rilassante, mi ricordo che facevo delle grandi dormite e se vivessimo li con mamma, Momichan avrebbe la stessa possibilità di rilassarsi dormendo al suono della pioggia che cade, guardare il giardino di notte e la rugiada al mattino in inverno sulle foglie di tutte le piante ^^
Dal balcone del primo piano, vivendo li, Momichan avrebbe la possibilità di veder crescere il suo albero (FOTO 7) che magari alcuni Natali potremmo decorare insieme con palline e luci colorate.
Moichan è entusiasta ogni volta che vede sua nonna, per lei è tutto nuovo e penso si divertirebbe a crescere nella grande casa con noi tutti insieme ma per lei ogni cosa è nuova e ad ogni modo non potremo realizzare il nostro progetto prima di 5/6 anni ma ad ogni modo è una bella cosa a cui pensare ^^

Winnie Pooh Mini Bento Set

I had bought this bento set so much time ago but didn't use s much for me because is rally too small, but I guess now i will be perfect for Momichan aso if she will need a fork or a spoon instead of the hashi (chopsticks) ut I have so many of Pooh nd alsso many transparent cases to give her.
Guess as soo asshe will realze how many bento box we hve she will get competely crazy :-)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Mischievous Baby ...

Momichan is still so small but she can be very mischievous sometimes :-)
Since a couple of days, she has learnt something new, if I am doing something in the same room but I am not looking at her, well .... she starts coughing a little just for fun not because she needs, and if I turn towards her she starts laughing :-)

Momichan è ancora piccolina ma a volte ha già imparato a fare la bricconcella :-)
Da un paio di giorni ha imparato qualcosa di nuovo, se sto facendo qualcosa nella stessa stanza ma non la sto guardando lei beh ... inizia a dare dei colpetti di tosse, per gioco non perchè abbia davvero la tosse ma solo per attirare la mia attenzione e poi se mi giro a guardarla lei ride ! non è una bricconcella la mia bambina ? :-)

Fruit Juice ...

Today we were talkiing a walk in our little village and we went pharmacy to take somemedicine for us, in a corner they also sell baby food and so we took some apple fruitjuice bottles and once at home we gave her in a bottle, she seems lo like even if she didn't drink so much but anyway omogenaized apple she already eat ^^

Oggi giravamo per il paese e siamo entrati in farmacia per prendere delle medicine per me. In farmacia in un angolo ci sono i cibi e gli omogeneizzati x bimbi cosi per prova abbiamo comprato del succo di frutta alla mela per Momi e una volta a casa glielo abbiamo dato nel bberon, sembra le piaccia anche se non ne habevuto moltissimo ^^

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Swimpool & Little Swimmers Huggies

For Momichan always I had in mind to go to swimmpool to attend a special course so that she does not forget the good feeling she had inside water.
When I called the swimpool for information they said to me I had to wait until first vaccination, end of this month she will redo the group of six she had done last month and then we will see.
Funny is that when I went shopping to find a swimsuit for her, I discovered there aren't any until 1 year ... and if a baby is less that 1 year old ???
Then I discovered the diapers Huggies Little Swimmers (10 diapers in a packet, 9,00 euro) but the size is just one corresponding to babies 10 months old ! so what has mu little baby to wear going to swimpool then ??? another strange thing is that when I read the label on the Huggis diapers, it says: special diaper, doesn't swell and doesn't absorb water .... uh ??? and what about urine then ? if a baby is doing urine is going directly into swimpool ? cannot understand what kind of diapers they are :-) anyway I'll make her wear something ^^

Sin da quando aspettavo Momichan avevo in mente di farle fare un corso di acquaticità cosi da non farle dimenticare la sensazione che aveva nel pancione.
Quando ho telefonato alla piscina mi hanno detto che dovevo aspettare i 5 mesi e portare il certificato delle vaccinazioni, Momi in marzo a 3 mesi ha fatto la sua prima vaccinazione esavalente e adesso a 4 mesi farà il richiamo e allora io ritelefonerò e vediamo cosa mi dicono.
La cosa che mi lascia perplessa però è che lei è cosi piccina che non ci sono costumini da bagno per lei, partono da 1 anno ... la Huggies ha però creato dei pannolini speciali chiamati Little Swimmers (il pacco ne contiene 10 e costa circa 9,00 euro) che non assorbono acqua e non si gonfiano.... se non assorbono acqua allora non assorbono nemmeno la pipi...ma forse mi sono persa qualcosa...bah
va beh, fatto sta che anche questi, sono in una sola taglia dagli 11 kili ai 15 il che significa almeno 10 mesi ... ma se un bimbo ne ha 5 che diavolo si mette per andare in piscina ? ci può andare nudo forse ? boh ! e sono cosi carini, con i personaggi di Nemo e i soliti Winnie Pooh e amici che decorano tutti i pannolini Huggies ^^
Va beh, quando telefonerò chiederò cosa farle indossare ^^

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Playing After Shower

This evening I was cleaning Momichan, I had to shower her because her diaper was full and also because as our house is really hot, taking a shower would refresh her a little, she loves making shower and after she is happy and relaxed ^^
After washing I wrapped with a new towel I bought in Ikea that is soooooo soft
(I loved it so much I bought other two for us too) and she relaxed inside, she was funny, she started tu suck it and laugh ^^
Note the writings on the towel .... the word towel is written in many languages and also in japanese, I absolutely had to have it :-)

She was laughing all the time and moving while I was trying to dry her, it was not simple, she played "hide and seek" putting the towel on her face and after taking away while kicking her legs about, and doing this she showed her little feet.... I love her little feet, are so puffy, fresh and soft, everytime I like to give her kisses on them and she laughs like a crazy and when I kiss one of them she extends the other leg toward me to make me kiss the othe foot (her feet now measure 9,5 cm)

After that I dressed again with fresh clothes, a body without sleeves, pants and a Winnie Pooh shirt, she is fresh this way and she stays comfy.
She was so relaxed that she felt something like drunk, here is the foto I took ^^

Oggi stavo cambiando Momichan, il suo pannolino era pieno e visto che casa nostra è piuttosto cala ho pensato che una doccetta l'avrebbe rinfrescata e rilassata.
Momichan non fa il bagnetto per ragioni di comodità e velocità, si fa fare la doccia nella vasca stando in piedi sorretta sotto il rubinetto della vasca, io l'avverto quando le bagno o risciacquo i capelli e le parlo dolcemente e la accarezzo tutta e lei sta buona e a volte ride.
Dopo averla lavata col suo sapone non sapone la ho coperta col suo nuovo asciugamano ikea (coi morbido che me ne sono comprata altri due per noi) e ho cercato di asciugarla ma lei si è messa a sgambettare e ridere e giocare a nascondino comprendoi e scoprendosi il visetto con l'asciugamano e succhiandone i bordi, era davvero buffa !
Sgambettando i piedini sono usciti dal asciugamano, adoro i suoi piedini, piccoli paffuti, freschi e morbidi, le do sempre tanti bacini e lei che è una furboncella, quando gliene bacio uno mi porge l'altro per avere bacini anche a lui ^^ (I suoi piedini adesso misurano 9,5 cm)
Dopo l'ho vestita con body senza maniche, pantaloncini con piedini e maglietta di Winnie Pooh cosi lei sta fresca ed è comoda.

Pine Tree: A Tradition ^^

(theese trees are our trees, while Momichan's pine is the foto down)

In our family is a tradition everytime a new baby is born to plant a tree in the garden so when I was born, mum and dad put a little fir in the backside of the garden and when my sister was born too, they planted a lebanon cedar whose colour is quite azure more than dark green.
So when little Momichan arrived we decided that we could also plant a pine tree for her but the thing was different.
For our trees guess my parents went to a shop and choosed a plant they liked but for Momoko instead tree came by chance ^^
We decided we wanted to have a real pine tree at home to be decorated for Christmas, also because inside home it would give a pleasant smell but infact I was so busy with baby Momichan I didn't had the time to decorate it so pine tree stayed abandoned at mum's house where we had taken it coming back from Ikea hoping to have the time to take our home but it remained there.
After holidays in january we should have taken back to Ikea to have the 10,00 euro bonus a promised when we bought it, Ikea takes all trees back and give the cients a bonus to spend in the store but the trees are not planted but destroyed and with the wood something is done so as we didn't want it to be destroyed we thought it would have been nice if we could plant it in the garden and make of it Momo's tree ^^
So now we have.
During time my tree has fallen down one year because of the strong wind, we had to kock it down and its wood has kept the house warm for long time burning in the fireplace, and the same was for my sista tree, planted two times and two times dried, but now the new trees planted in substitution are same eight again ^^
Now in the garden, a litle shy new pine tree whose real name is (CHECK TOMORROW AND WRITE) is keeping company to the older brothers, this little tree is Momo's pine tree ^^

Nella nostra famiglia c'è una simpatica tradizione, quella di piantare in giarino un pino o un abete ogni volta che nasceva un bimbo cosi qando sono nata io, mamma e papà sono andati a comprare un abete e lo hanno piantto in fondo al giardino.
Quando è nata mia sorella 4 anni dopo, lo stesso sono andati a comprare un cedro del libano (dal colore azzurrino più che verde scuro) e lo hanno piantato in fondo al giardino.
Per Momo le cose sono andate un pò diversamente.
Per Natale io avevo voluto compare un pino vivo al Ikea da decorare per far vedere alla nostra piccina e trasmetterle un aria di festa ma poi sono stata cosi presa da mille cose che non lo abbiamo piu fatto e il pover albero è rimasto da mamma dove lo avevamo lasciato sperando di poterlo portare a casa e decorarlo per le feste.
In gennaio dopo l'epifania avremmo dovuto riportarlo al Ikea che ad ogni cliente avrebbe dato un bonus di 10,00 euro da spender nel negozio e del albero ne avrebbe fatto qualkosa ma non lo riavreeb ripiantato e insomma il nostro povero pinetto sarebbe morto, cosi abbiamo deciso che sarebbe stato carino (visto che della sua misura sarebbe stato costoso comprarlo in negozio) piantarlo in giardino da mamma assieme agli altri alberi di famiglia e cosi è stato.
Nel corso degli anni il mio albero è caduto per un fortissimo vento ed è stato abbattuto, la sua legna ci ha riscaldato nel camino per molto tempo e cosi è stato per quello di mia sorella che in realtà è semplicemente seccato per ben due volte (due volte è stato comprato due volte è seccato) ma ogni volta è stato sostituito cosi adesso il mio albero sostituto e quello di mia sorella sono di nuovo altissimi (circa 15 metri o più).
Adesso nel giardino, un piccolo alberello senza pretese e dal nome (DA SCRIVERE DOMANI) tiene timidamente compagnia ai suoi fratelli
più grandi, è ... l'Albero di Momo ^^

Camomilla 2 ^^

Yesterday I tried to give Momichan some camomilla and she seemed lo like, she drank all.
Today she was nervous again, she had to sleep but she continued to move so I tried to give her camoilla again and she liked !
Here is Momichan drinking from her Pooh bottle, she finished it all ^^

Ieri avevo provato a dare a Momila camomilla, è una novità per lei ma pare che le piaccia cosi quando oggi nel pomeriggio era ancora agitata, e ho dato un altro biberoncin di camomilla tiepida e lei se lo è bevuto tutto e non fa confusione col latte perkè se ha fame se lo beve tranquillamente anche dopo la camomilla ^^

Bottles For The Night 2

Momichan is growing so the dose of milk in the bottles is also increasing.
Here are the two bottles I am preparing now, both of them contain up to 260 cc, the containts now is 210 cc with 7 doses of powdered milk

Siccome Momi cresce, aumenta anche la dose di latte che le devo preparare.
Al momento è arrivata a 210 ml di acqua e 7 misurini di latte. I due biberon utilizzati possono contenere fino a 260 cc di liquidi.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hipp Milk For Momichan ^^

When I got out of the hospital with baby Momichan, doctor said in case of need we could give her bottles with Nidina powder milk wich is quit expensive, good and well known.
Sometimes to save some money (because a tin of Nidina doesn't last more than a week), we could buy another milk same ingredients and good the same whose name is Hipp, a german milk.
During time Momichan has increased the doses of milk arriving nw at 210 cc for 7 spoons of milk so one package lasts only 4 days.
Today in the afternoon, I went to pharmacy to buy the Hipp I had ordered for Momichan. Normally we bought it at the supermaret but recently they do not sell anymore (though they still have the other products of the same line) and have changed with Nipiol which is also a good milk but my baby is accustomed to Hipp and I cannot change it without risking she can dislike and do not drink like a month ago I couldn't find any and bought Neolatte ... she normally drinked 6 bottles a day but when I gave her Neolatte she reduced to 3 !!! she was nervous and always hungry, when I finally found Hipp again I threw away Neolatte and she started to drink 6 bottles again.
I tasted the milk and discovered that Nidina (the first we bought for her) and Hipp have a nice sweet taste similar to normal cow milk but Neolatte is totally different, somehow acid like yogurt and Momichan completely reject it, never again in my life I will give her !
Here is the two packages, backside you can see a tin of Nidina that I finished and I always use to put inside the Hipp because Hipp has tw sfot packages in a paper box but the tin is more comfortable ^^

(the bottle contains just powder, I am heating the water to add in the bottle to give baby Momo. The other machine backside is the sterilizer)

Momichan is growing so big now I guess she already weight s more than 6 kilos and starts to get a little "round" no more like a little frog she was before ^________^
Her head is also bigger and she starts to try to roll but she has nt succeed completely up till now. She has also started to smile more and laugh like an adult and she is really an happy baby.

Quando siamo usciti dal ospedale con la piccola Momo, il dottore ci disse in caso avessimo bisogno di darle il latte in polvere Nidina e ci scrisse le dosi per lei.
La Nidina è un ottimo latte ma come scoprimmo presto costa un sacco e lei piano piano fa fuori le tolle a una velocità impressionante specie adesso che è arrivata a 7 misurini per 210 cc di acqua, la tolla dura meno di una settimana ! così per risparmiare un pò e non restare senza latte ho comprato il latte tedesco Hipp ottimo uguale ma che costa la metà solo che da qualche giorno pare, la Esselunga dove lo avevamo trovato lo h sostituito col latte Nipiol ma io non posso cambiarlo visto che quando ci ho rovato epr cause di forza maggiore e le ho dato il Neolatte lei da 6 biberon al giorno li aveva ridotti a 3 e stava morendo di fame per cio ho dovuto ordinarli in farmacia. La Nidina ha una confezione da 900 grammi, il Hipp sono due saccetti da 400 grammi am di recente ho scoperto che la confezione è ridotta a 600 grammi per due buste da 300 e dura pochissimo accidenti ma almeno glielo posso dare e lei se lo beve tutto.

Nella foto si vede lo sterilizzatore con il biberon pronto per aggiungerci l'acqua calda che sto bollendo a lato ma non si vede, la confezione di Hipp e dietro la tolla della Nidina ^^
Adesso Momi è cresciuta molto, la sua testa è più grande di prima e secondo me ha passato i 6 kili di peso e anche sta diventando più rotondetta e non è più una ranocchietta ossuta come prima, sembra una piccola prosciuttina ^__^

Camomilla !!!

New progress for Momochan !
Momi is a little nervous today and from midday up till now she hasn't take a nap so I thougt I could try with the new Winnie Pooh tinkling bottle, to give her a little of camomilla, I bought the other day in pharmacy special for babies.
Do not know weather is beacuse is sweet or because she likes from first attempt but she tasted and then she drank all !!!
(dose suggested on the package is 1 spoon for 70 cc of hot water)
Good baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Foto on the left is the new Pooh bottle with tinkler cap, full of camomilla.
Here you can see Momo before drinking camomilla, she was really angry but after she calmed a lot, also she wanted more afterwards and also she drank her bottle of milk for dinner, 210 cc with 7 spoons of milk !

Momo è molto nervosa oggi così siccome ha quasi 4 mesi ho pensato di provare con la camomilla granulata per bambini che ho comprato in farmacia l'altra settimana in previsione dei dentini in crescita ... tutto fa brodo ^___^
Strano a vedersi, la camomilla è un nuovo sapore per le ma è dolce anche se totalmente differente dal latte ma Momi dopo aver assaggiato un sorso, è andata avanti a berne altri e poco dopo si è finita tutto i biberon ! la dose consigliata sulla confezione è di 70 cc di acqua calda con 1 cucchiaino, beh ha funzionato, lei che strillava nervosa prima si è calmata in un attimo e si è addormentata e dopo nel sonno si è fatta fuori anche 210 cc di latte, che bravissima bambina che ho !!!
Brava Momichan !!!

Winnie Pooh Soup

I was tyding up the cupboard of Momichan's foods and items and my japanese foods when I found a packet of soup I can give to Momichan next month when she will start weaning (just in case she will like the flavour) which is Pooh character and has the peculiarity of having small Pooh faces that will give a cute touch of colour in her soup.
Guess it will be lovely soup ^___^


Momichan's New Pooh Bottles & Accessories

In the afternoon we went supermarket because I needed one more bottle for Momichan bigger than the one I already have.
When we got there, we saw they were selling a tons of items of Winnie Pooh and I found the bottle I wanted (260 cc), another smaller which really I do not need now because is small (125 cc) but that will be useful this summer for juices (this bottle has a pecularity: the cap tinkles !) and a comforter case. Colour is green which is my preferred colour ^^
Here in the foto you can see all three items an the bigger bottle I have just filled in with milk for the night to take in my room ready for Momichan to drink ^^


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mum's House - A Project For Future ...

(this is a piece of mum's garden, meters are 1000 and trees are growing there since 45 years, the stone you can see there has been choosed by my father more than 35 years ago when i was small but at that time the erika flowers you see were so much smaller)

This afternoon we went to mum's house and we started to discuss about an idea which is really not bad.
As mum is getting older, sooner or later (we hope later) she will need someone to help her.
I love the house we live in now, we live in a building ters from my mum's house, at 7th floor, quide wide apartment 85 square meters, nice panorama, I love it, is the house I always wanted, the unique thing w cannot stand is that the entire building is invaded by ants and nobody is doing anything though I have complaint so many time in the past 5 years, also the house charges are really too high and with no justification so we thught that it could be a nice idea in a nearest future to go and live with mum and she likes the idea so she would not be alone as father is no more here.
At the first floor of the villa there is a bathroom and two bedrooms where my sister and I were staying when we were living with parents.
With some work and a nice project it would be possible to transform it in a little apartment of 65 square meters, with a bathroom, a bedroom for us and a livingroom/entrance with a kitchen, Momichan would have to sleep on the sofa in the living room but the same would be living in the house we have now and this one would be a little smaller but cute would be, we wouln't have any more charge expences, no worries about the administrator of our building, no more ants and no more loan to pay ^^
Selling our house we would pay all the house and some money would remain to make the necesary transforming works to the new house but we would have to wait at least 6 years hoping in the meantime our home increases her value ^^
Also it wold be fantastic living alltogather, we could finally save some money each month (now is impossible) we could have a new car (the one we have now belonged to my mum and is nearly 14 years old) but most of all we could have all birthdays togather, every holiday like X'mas or Easter and Momichan could have the possibility to live near her grandmother.
Also the bills of gas, electricity and trash would be halved so mum could also save more money that she is saving now.
I am so excited about that idea that I would like to have the possibility to do now but anyway if things are going ok we will have possibility in short time in a nearest future, hope it will be ^^

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