Tuesday, August 13, 2013

a day in Zoom Torino ;)

This morning Momochan and I leave home to go to Turin city. We want to have a small vacation and for that purpose I have booked a hotel in the center and bought a special packet that includes tickets for biopark and a night in the hotel, brakfast included, just the time to wake up, shower, dress and take the bagage and we are on the way ;)
After 50 km more or less we have a pit stop for coffee and Momochan orders a cup of milk, guess she tries to look like me.
In a little more than 90 minutes we arrive in Turin city, is nearly midday, we have to go hotel first to take the Zoom Biopark tickets.
Really Momochan is always like she is always in a hurry, she likes the animals but what she want most is to go to the Bolder beach pool but I have said her will we go to the pool only after having seen all the biopark and in a nervous moment she burst into tears, she is tired and hot does not help much.
As soon as we enter we see a strange thing: the cemetery of the extincted animals: dodo, some tigers and lions and some kind of bears.

Before going further we find a place where to stop and eat (is nearly 13.30 PM) other people with kids are eating already their pic nics foods.
Bolder Beach is just 20 meters from there and we can see ... but wee have to see the rest of the park or we will not be able to see after so Momochan starts to run to make quick. A funny lemuri  runs quickly in front of us and start to jump from a group of people to another then jumps into the little green forest of his place, Momochan laugh amused. Theese little penguins are very small but they are very quick when they swim, they look like missiles but when they are outside of water they are very funny and walk making little jumps bouncing here and there.
After returning a second time near lemuri, we finally succeed in seeing the black monkeys, when we apssed before, the monkeys were playing in the middle of the bamboos and we could not see also they have a dark colour so that in the shadow they literally disappear.

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