Monday, September 28, 2009

Gake no ue no Ponyo

Gake no ue no Ponyo Theme Song – Hiragana Lyrics

あおい うみから やってきた
まんまる おなかの おんなのこ

あしって いいな かけちゃお
おてては いいな、つないじゃお

あのこと はねると こころも おどるよ
あのこが だいすき まっかっかの 

あおい うみから やってきた
まんまる おなかの おんなのこ

ぶくぶく いい におい
おなかが すいた たべちゃお
よくよく みて みよう 
あのこも きっと みている

いっしょに わらうと、ほっぺが あついよ
ぱくぱく ちょぎゅ
あのこが だいすき、まっかっかの

がけの うえ に やってきた
まんまる おなかの げんきなこ

Gake no ue no Ponyo Theme Song – Romaji Lyrics

Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko
Aoi umi kara yatte kita
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo fukurannda
Manmaru onaka no onna no ko

Peta-peta pyon-pyon
Asitte iina kakechao
Otetewa iina tunaijao

Anoko to haneru to kokoro mo odoruyo
Paku-paku chu-gyu, paku-paku chu-gyu
Anoko ga daisuki makkakka no

Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko
Aoi umi kara yatte kita
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo fukurannda
Manmaru onaka no onna no ko

Buku-buku ii nioi
Onakaga suita tabechao
Yoku-yoku mite miyou
Anokomo kitto miteiru

Isshoni warauto hoppega atsuiyo
Waku-waku chugyu waku-waku chugyu
Anoko ga daisuki makkakka no

Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko
Gakeno ueni yatte kita
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo onna no ko
Manmaru onaka no genkina ko

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Daddy's Birthday ^^

Today is Momichan father's birthday so we organized a little home party for breakfast with a cake baked in the early morning before going to granny's home for the special lunch ^^
Momichan is wearing her new Winnie Pooh dress, soft and cozy so she doesn't feel cold but she does not like to wear sokets anyway we will put on before getting out later.
On the cake we just put a few candles just to have some, Momichan is enthusiastic, laughs all the time, tastes the cake, sings and jumps, clappes hands HEHE

After breakfast we prepare to go granny's house for the special b'day lunch and to open a present we all made togather to Sampei ^^
Soon will be my b'day, and in november will be Momi's, she will be 1 year old, we are already thinking at a present and a special cake for her.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Milk Home ...

In our little town the mayor has given permission to build a little water/milk house in a children park that gives fresh water natural or gasified and also milk.
The park is there since ever but in the last years it has been ruined so much so while building the water/milk house, grass has been cut, seats have been put all around so that you can seat and read a book or just rest, new trees have been planted, lamps has been added and the park has been fenced in order to prevent to the tramps to enter in the night, closing time is 20.00 pm
The little house gives both milk and water, the dispensers have been built at the opposite sides of the little building.
In the milk side three is also a bottle dispenser for the people who want to buy milk but forgot to take a container, you can choose for a plastic reusable bottle lighter and easy to carry, a transparent glass bottle or a glass decorated one with cows and milk images (very cute).
All the bottles you can wash and reuse as many time you want, all the project is ecologic and also we are helping a farm bouying his milk.
Everyday we go to buy fresh milk, one liter for 1 euro, (we drink a lot at home) we can do it ourselves, we put the coin in the dispenser, put the milk bottle under the milk dispenser and psh a botton, milk flows and fill the bottle. If we want water we go the other side of the little house and we can have it free, water comes from the dephts, is cheked controlled and gasified, we can coose between fresh natural and fresh gasified and the bottles have a label with all the ingredients (calcium, nitrates ...)

The milk/water house is a nice idea because is ecologic and helps to stay fit, people take a walk everyday, have fresh milk with no conservants, make no waist because can wash everytime the same bottle and reuse (but in case we forget we can buy another glass one from the dispenser), we help the farm who sell us the milk, I am enthusistic, we go to buy milk every 2 days and Momichan is happy to have the occasion to go out and at the park she always meet kids and the more or less the same people who everytime say her hello, recognize her and she smiles happily and claps hands ^^

On the 19th at 18.00 pm comig back home from my mum's house after having celebrated the 10 months of Momichan, we passed at the park were the mayor and many people of the town were reunited for the official presentation of the new milk/water house and after the cut of the ribbon from the mayor, everyone could take the milk or the water.
For the occasion there was a little party with sandwiches, soft drinks, balloons for the kiddies, gadgets and so on.
Momichan had a balloon, an orange one, she was excited because the balloon could fly, I hanged it with a thread at the stroller and she played with it (you can see in the foto below), I had a pen, a cotton bag to carry the water bottles and a glass water bottle.

Then I bought my first milk bottle, I choosed the decorated one because is cuter ^^
With my new bottle I bought my first liter milk, it is better to boil it before drink, so they say, I just drink it as it is but if the future I will give to Momichan I will boil for her.
There were fotographers all around to make fotos of the mayor holding the milk bottle and they also made one with the mayor that accidentally in that precise moment was holding Momichan in her arms, (mayor said she loves children and Momichan was attracted by a pendant the mayor had at the neck), the foto appeared in the town paper togather with the article of the milk/water house, backside in the foto there's me talking with someone and looking at Momochan. GOSH !!!

This is the second "house" opened in our town but this second one has the peculiarity to offer also milk (the first one near the townhall is only for water).
The "Water Houses" are present now in so many places around Milano and many other towns, alreday we have data from which we know each family can save nearly 300 euro a year for the water (going supermarket and buying bottles) and last year 18000000 plastic water bottles have been saved (it means they have not been used)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy 10 Months Momichan !!!

Today our little baby is 10 months old !

Daddy is working as ever but Momi and I will go to granny's house and have a special lunch and cake I am cooking right now ^^

I didn't have the time to make decorations on the cake because we were late and the shop was already closed so we went granny's home directly. Mum had prepared some polenta with veal bocconcini and mushrooms (so yummy) and we gave Momochan a little. She seemed to appreciate, tasted polenta and both mushrooms and meat but seemed to get tired soon of biting the food so I changed to her omogenized meal ^^
Soon after the meal we gave her her presents to open, she was impressed by the green paper and ribbon and seemed confused about what to do with the packets until granny showed her how to rip the paper and take out the content but before understanding what was the real present she started tasting the paper and playing with the ribbons ! HAHAHA :-)
We stayed with granny until six then we went away because granny had to go to supermarket.
I remembered there was the innauguration of the new milk/water house so we went there.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Presents for Momichan

Tomorrow Momichan will be 10 months so we will have a special cake, I will cook a orange lemon mandarine cake and put a Pooh design on it and for the occasion I also bought some little presents for our baby, a Hello Kitty food set composed by a cup, spoon and fork and a bowl and a pelouche of a cow from Ikea. Guess Momicha will amuse herself to take the paper away and discover the sourprise, she likes the crackle of the paper ^^
ciao ciao

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ideas for A Special Cake

For the first birthday of our little baby I was thinking to buy a special cake with a Doraemon on it, something like this one you can see on the left, all creamy and soft, I will take the foto to our patiessére so that he wil have something to copy ^^
Eentually I will cook a cake myself, it will not be as beautiful as this one but anyway Momichan will not see the difference and maybe she will just taste, she does not yet know how much cakes are good, she's still so little HEHEHE
This evening I have made a carrot and yogurt cake for her daddy when he will arrive home late this night, as it rains I thought it i a nice idea to welcome him home. Momichan has tasted the cake uncooked and after when cooked, she made a strange face and did not seem to appreciate it that much HIHI but eventually she will like another cake with another taste, I can do so many but we will make her try the apple cake of granny which is in my opinion the best cake I ever eated and that is always present in special occasion or our b'days ^^

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pasta Lunch For Momi ^^

Since a few days I am cooking Momichan her first pasta dishes adding a special ragout with tomato and veal made by Mellin.
For today's lunch I choosed Plasmon maccaroni, just normal pasta but very little indeed, Momichan seems to love it, she eats all so quick happily and smiling ^^
I also found in the supermarket special Plasmon pasta shaped in small animals: green with veggies reproduces the animals of the savana (lions, huts, giraffes, rhynos ...) and orange with carrots reproduces the animals of the farm (sheeps, horses, cat, roosters, bunny), I showed her this evening and she laughed amused, she played with the small 6 animals made of pasta until dinner was ready and she saw cats and roosters in her dish ^^
I made pasta with cheese she liked but was so tired that nearly fall asleep on the highchair so I also made her a bottle of milk and added a bisquit, she drank all in her bed already fallen asleep.

ciao ciao

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nap ...

Momichan has to take a nap after her meal around 13.00 pm but most of the times she starts palying with her pelouches and falls asleep later, anyway she always awakes between 15.30 / 16.00 pm, she calls me and when she sees me she makes a big smile ^^

Friday, September 4, 2009


Momichan loves her crocodile, when we go Ikea she always want it to play so we decided to buy it for her. It's a little big enormous nearly as high as she is but soft and funny, Momichan likes to play with it before sleeping and Crocodile looks after her during the night and cares Momichan is not making nightmares ^^ :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ikea: Upptacka Week End Bag

Between the Ikea Family items, this year has appeared a couple of bags, one normal made to carry your personal belongings and laptop and the other exactly the same but bigger, to use as week end bag.
The enormous UPPTÄCKA bag you can find in pink, green or black measures more than 55 cm.
This big version is quite heavy once filled with things but can be very useful if you have to travel and you take your baby with you so you can store for exampe: 2 bottles, a teddy bear and a tinkler, a soft blanket (if you go by plane is always better to have because inside is quite cold for a baby), some dresses for one or two changes, diapers and creams, a tale book, two vases of omogeneized food and some other things you may find useful for your baby.
If it comes too heavy you can simply put on the floor, the bag is provided by four little gummies that will keep the bag clean.
Vote: fantastic

The smaller UPPTÄCKA version is made to carry a small laptop but can be used as normal bag either or to carry your baby items for the day, can be easily hooked at the stroller, I like it so much.
Also this bag you can find in black, pink or green
Measures: length 45 cm - large 13 cm - high 35 cm
Vote: fantastic

Ikea: Spoiling Baby Bag

This special bag is a portable changing pad, you open it and can lay your baby wherever you are and change him diapers, included there is a towel you can easily wash and a thermo bottle holder. The colours are black or grey.

I bought this item for my baby, thought it woulòd be useful but instead after 1 hour use I discovered is totally unuseful and absolutely not practical, is not really a bag so you cannot easily open and take out things when you need, I usually take 2 bottles for Momichan and here I cannot do, you can easily put inside 3 diapers, creams and there is a nother pocket in which you can store a pair of pants t shirt and panties but the problem is always the same, the bag gets puffy and if you need something inside you need to unfold all and if you are in a supermarket is not comfy at all so I brought it back and changed to another item.

Vote: scarse
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