Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Momichan is very nervous theese days, we are terribly nervous and she feels it.
She doesn't even eat anymore with the spoon, she hardly drinks from the bottle so I again giving her just milk, milk she drinks ever ^^
This afternoon we went out taking a walk, I had to go some places and thought it would have been nice for her to go on the balance she likes so much, time is strange half clody, half sunny, windy and crazy.
The park was empty so Momichan had the balance all for her, she was happy a little, also she drank a little of camomilla and had a little snack (milk and bisquits).
She fall asleep coming back home, but instead of going inside house I stayed down in the garden going here and there around to make her take some fresh air, it was windy a little, not strong but fresh and she continued to sleep. When we got inside home I layed her down in her bed high enough to keep her fresh, window opended and also she went on sleeping.
She awakened around 22.00 PM, I gave her the rest of the snack and now she seems to be fallen asleep again.
I hope she will have some cute dreams ^^

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