Sunday, November 7, 2010

Waiting For Christmas

Sunday afternoon, house a total mess, outside rain ... our choice is to go Ikea to have a warm dish, see the new items for Xmas and let Momichan play with all the space she needs :)
Already many new items are displayed, some of them are really cute and so many ideas to decorate house, Xmas table and bedroom.
Many pelouche are the same of last year (cangaroo, elephants, giant shark, hippo, tiger) but there are also some new, baby tiger, a new bunny so cute, a new bear (last year bear was and white, now is brown) and others.

Momichan loves the little kitchen displayed for kids, with all the accessories, pots and pans, dishes, glasses and everything to cook like adults so everytime she comes to Ikea she plays with it, we do not have possibility to buy it for her now for her birthday but we hope to have the money to get it for Xmas, she will get crazy :)
Now our house is a real mess because of the recent works for the kitchen, there is powder everywhere, I have to clean everything and organize better the furniture but with a little luck we will have a kitchen for Christmas, maybe with gas to cook also, anyway it will be something just unfinished, we will have time to make it cute but at least we will have a real house :)

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