Tuesday, April 3, 2012

enamel ... :)

In my opinion little kids are kawaii the more natural they are so no earrings no make up and absolutely no high heels for the shoes though somebody does ....

Anyway just for playing, you can do something and Momichan who love to play also male games and have little cars instead of dolls, love make up expecially if she can have brilliant glossy transparent lips and a little coloured enamel on her feet nails :)

We were yesterday at a big superstore inside which there was my preferred make up shop Kiko and as I bought a blue eye pencil she took a navy blue enamel :) at home she asked me to paint her fingers, see foto ? we were chatting inside the bathroom waiting for the enamel to get dry and she was laughing a lot :)

When daddy arived home in the night Momichan showed him her fingers :)

Well no problem about this, Momichan is just playing a little to be "bigger" than she is and colour is just so funny that is perfect for her :)

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