Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crazy Momichan

We are finally moving !!!!
Today I had to leave for half an hour Momichan with granny because I had to go home to take some other stuff, thought that in the meantime granny would give her lunch.
I arrive granny's home and hear Momichan screaming desperately so I run inside and ask mommy why she is so desperate, she answers Momichan is just nasty and that she has tried everything but Momichan has refused to eat or drink anything !!!
The rest of the day is not better, I have to organize inside wardrobe the things and dresses I have taken from home and Momichan does not want to leave me and screams with tears.
I in the evening is the same, after meal I take her up in the bedroom to sleep, I had previously bathed her, changed nappy and put pijama, Momichan does not want to sleep even if she is tired and seems sleepy.
I get angry, also I have to put her bed again with the two removable bed sides (I had taken away one of the two because it seemed Momichan was big enough to climb up alone also in the previous camping bed she climbed out by herself so I thought it was better to help so that she could come out without danger but is doesn't work) because Momichan continuously gets out and is impossible to do anything I still have to eat and have to go go down laundry. She is so angry or desperate (we cannot understand really what she has) that she throughws up the dinner and the milk she had just sipped .... ! We have to do again shower and change completely !
I put her to bed again and she starts again to scream desperately !!!
I go down to eat and she goes on .... I go and take the fresh laundry and put another on to retire tomorrow morning, Momichan is still crying .... !!! GOSH !!! What the hell she has ????
Is it possible she is confused or worried because we are moving ? she still has so many of her things here, her dresses inside wardrobe and her toys, her favourite chair and little pelouche cat, but she seems not to carry, I make everything possible to make her feel home, and also we have been here thousands of times, she loves granny, so why she behaves like that ?
It's one o clock in the morning, daddy is coming home now from work and Momichan finally has fallen asleep.
Tomorrow I will go to the doctor and tell everything hope she can give something to keep Momichan calm, tomorrow we have to go Ikea to take the minivan nand go home to carry away the furniture we need to take here, Momichan will have to stay with granny for much of the afternoon and I do not have any idea what she will do ....


laura said...

Seguo questo blog da un po' di tempo e lo considero fantastico. anch'io sono mamma di una bimbo di 18 mesi (piccola peste)..proprio in questo periodo è molto nervoso come lo era la vostra Momi...per caso avete ricollegato quest'episodi con l'eruzione dei denti canini o molari?
PS: Momi è veramente una bellissima bimba, complimenti. Laura

Unknown said...

beh in verit' Momichan i denti li ha messi tutti e 20 da un pezzo e non ha mai nè pianto nè avuto febbre nè sbavato però ad altri bambini succede di essere nervosi
Lei ha messo canini e molari a 4 perr volta tutti assieme e non se ne è manco accorta
gli ultimi dentini li ha messi credo 3 mesi fa
Noi abbiamo appen a traslocato e per una bimba della sua età è una grossa novità per cui penso sia per quello, nuove stanze, nuova casa, meno spazio, la nonna, niente cucina, un pò di confusione ....
Potrebbe essere anche il caldo

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