As you know we are starting to organize the moving to my mum's house but we have to face some problems, make some shopping for the new house and arrange everything.
This morning we had to go granny's house because our new bathtub was arriving, in the bathroom there is a shower now but we have to change to be more confortable, (first foto you can see Momichan at the departure from home this morning, second foto, she is walking in the street in front of granny's house). While waiting for the bathtub to be consigned we took some measurements for furniture and accessories and we discovered that our washmashine does not enter in the bathroom because the door is too narrow ........... ARRRGGGGHHH ! door is large 55 cm and washmashine is 59 !!!!! ......... we have to buy a new washmashine no other solution ..........
After the bathtub has arrived, we prepare lunch and Momichan plays in the garden with daddy. After lunch daddy will go to work and Momi and I will go around for info-shopping, we have to go search a new washmashine, we need a wash and dryer one alltogather in less than 55 cm of space, there is a electronic store near us, mum says she has seen an announce on a publicity sheet about exactly the type we could buy, so we go there and after we have to go Ikea store to search for other items, check prices of ovens, fridge to be stored in a cabinet and microwaves. Momichan will play around in the kids corner as always and we will have a yummy snack :)
There is still light but already is eight o'clock so Momichan and I have to go home to prepare dinner, if everything goes the right way without too many bad sourprises, in less than one month we could be there and for dinner time I would just climb up the ladder to go .... home while my mum prepares dinner I would wash my baby and prepare for sleep ^^
she is growing prettier by the day!
And seems like she grow fond of gardening :-)
ciaooooooooooooooo :)
I really hope she is fond of granny's garden because soon we will live there, in a couple of weeks maybe :)
wow è cresciuta tantissimo!! ha 2 occhi meravigliosi e poi quel sorrisino che dolce!!! è bellissima Yuri complimenti!!!
saluti Ay
ciao Ay,
si accidenti è cresciuta davvero tanto, fra poco imparerà a parlare e non sarà più tanto piccola, a volte vorrei poter fermare il tempo, le guardo quei suoi piccoli piedini coi ditini piccini c sono cosi teneri, quel sederino paffutello e le gambette che stanno già allungandosi, è alta 82 cm adesso, è cresciuta un sacco e ha tutti i dentini ora, 20 dentini in bocca, li ha messi a quattro per volta, per ultimo i due incisivi superiori :)
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