Sunday, October 18, 2009

Momoko At Ikea

This afternoon we went to Ikea to buy te famous swedish meatballs we eat a lot. As ever, little Momichan is amusing so much with everything, plays hide and seek with a blanket and laughs like a crazy, jumps on every bed sh finds, tries every soft surface of the shop exibition.
Here you can see her on a bed she loves cushions and feather bankets but she is more interested in the labels indicating price and datas of the item, here seems she already is able to read HAHA

Momichan loves to seat on big couches so here she is again happily seated on a grey one with two little soft cushions.
ciao ciao


Minerva84 said...

Ma che carina li sulla poltrona! E com'è cresciuta!

Unknown said...

ciao, si è adorabile davvero, mi stupisco ogni giorno ^^
recentemente si inventa buffi versi e mi fa morire dal ridere :)
oggi Momo compie 11 mesi, mama mia quanto è grande già ^^

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