Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today we went to have easter lunch at mum's house ^^
As always we got up, eat breakfast with colomba (the special cake for Easter) and after I washed and dressed Momichan to go out, today she was dressed elegant for the occasion: jpants, a green shirt and green pullover plus new sneakers :-)
We had rice and asparagus, roasted lamb, fresh salad with eggs, chokolate eggs and colomba cake.
Momichan was so much impressed by the choko eggs, we made this foto just in time because she touched the eggs and made them roll down and break :-)

Oggi per fsteggiare Pasqua siamo andati da mia mamma per il pranzo pasquale.
Come sempre abbiam fatto colazione a casa ma oggi con una colomba al cioccolato, poi ci siamo lavati, fatto il bagnetto veloce a Momo e vestita per l'occasione: jeans, tshirt e maglioncino verde germoglio e nuove sneakers prese al Kiabi vicino a casa per pochi centesimi ^^
Abbiamo mangiato riso e asparagi, agnello arrosto, insalatina e uova sode, colomba e uova di cioccolato.
Siamo riusciti a fare una sola foto prima che Momo toccasse le uova e le facesse c adere rompendole :-)


1 comment:

Cuisine Paradise said...

Wow.. these Easter Eggs are so cute!!!!!! U made them.... :p

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