Thursday, September 22, 2011

hair cut

Momichan needs again an hair cut, she tells me she needs because her hair are too long and keep too much hot ! HAHAHA

Last week we has reserved for today at 16.00 so before daddy leaves for work we ask him to leave us money to go hair dresser in the afternoon.

Momichan is happy because she cannot wait anymore to have her hair cut, she likes to appear beautiful and recently she also want me to put on her lips my brilliant transparent gloss, she says it is full of stars because it gleams HAHAHA

At 16.00 o'clock I wake her up and we go down, hairdresser is just at the ground floor of our building and is waiting for us (we live in a big building and just in front in the same space there are some little shops, a coffee, hairdresser and more).

The owner herself makes Momochan seat on a chair and starts to cut her hair, Momichan is excited but carefoul, she doesn't dare to move not to be cut somewhere.

After the cut she admires herself in the mirror but asks if she can have her hair washed because she sais, in this way hair are more fresh ! HAHAHA The hairdresser asks Momochan is she likes her hair now and she says "thanks for my haircut, now I'm so beautiful" HAHAHA what ba funny baby I have !

ciao ciao

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