Saturday, June 8, 2013

zoom torino bio-park

I have recently discovered (just because it has recently opened) a new bio-park in Turin city, 150 km from Milan where we live. There are many animals and it is divided into zones: Madagascar, Serengeti and Africa, Petra, Sumatra and Bolder Beach to see the penguins ;)
Visiting Zoom will be an extraordinary experience for Momochan, if someone needs there is also the possibility to have biologist and ornitologist who will inform and tell everything about the animals and the birds to have an instructive and amusing experience both for childs and adults ;)
Inside the bio-park there is an area with an enormous swimming pool (Bolder Beach), you have to bring from home a swimsuit and a towel and you can relax like in a carribean place: white soft sand, blue water and the cutest thing is that from the pool you can see the penguins (it just cost 4,00 euro more in add to the normal bio-park ticket).

Going Zoom bio-park there is also the possibility to buy a special packet which permits you to have a voucher for the park and together an hotel bedroom for the night at a small price (give a look to have more infos about hotel + voucher)

Hotel Diplomatic****
Via Cernaia, 42, 10122 Torino
Tel +39 011 561.24.44 | Fax +39 011 540.472

Art Hotel Guala
Piazza Pietro Francesco Guala, 143
10135 Torino
tel: +39 011 3179633
To eat in the evening before going to sleep at the hotel, a good idea can be eating Happy Meals at McDonald's, (a couple of Happy Meals is just less than 10,00 euros) so here it is a link to find the nearest one ;)

RAPACI DI PETRA - gufo africano, allocco, aquila pettonero, falco, caracara

FATTORIA AFRICANA - lama, bue watusso, asino somalo, dromedario

MADAGSCAR - pellicani, lemuri, tartarughe giganti, fenicotteri

SUMATRA - tigri, antilopi, gibboni, istrici, oche egiziane, cervi chital

BOLDER BEACH - la baia dei pinguini

Strada Piscina 36
10040 Cumiana (Torino)
tel: 011-9070419

Il Parco dispone di parecchi posti dove mangiare o bere bibite e caffè: Zula cafè (ristorante self sevice e bar), Mora Mora Pizza, Pelican Restaurant, Pavillon Cafè, Jungle Break
Zona Ranger Camp: è un angolo per bambini dove giocare, ci sono scivoli, la casa del ranger, una teleferica, ponti sospesi e altalene
Negozio dove comprare i souvenir del bioparco

: imboccare la tangenziale Torino-Pinerolo fino all’uscita Piscina. Da qui seguire le indicazioni per Cumiana. Dopo circa 4 km troverai il bioparco ZOOM.
IN TRENO: da Porta Nuova prendere il treno che va a Pinerolo e scendere alla stazione di Piscina.

(validi qualunque giorno)
adulti: 18,50 euro fixed day
bambini fino 12 anni e over 65 anni: 14,50 euro
BOLDER BEACH - con 4,00 euro in più a persona si può stare in piscina (portare costume e asciugamano) e mangiare un gelato o un caffè al bar della oasi ;) (read more about Bolder Beach)
GIORNO FISSO (validi il giorno che si entra)
adulti 14,50 euro
bambini fino 12 anni e over 65 anni: 11,50 euro

BOLDER BEACH - a cute carribean pool

BOLDER BEACH - look at the penguins from the pool !

BOLDER BEACH - cute for the entire family ;)

BOLDER BEACH - relax coffee corner

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