Friday, September 16, 2011

junior chair ...

So much time ago I bought the highchair for Momichan, a white one, light but very stable with tray so that baby Momichan could play and learn how to use spoons and dishes, fork and cup. The blue penguin cup togather with the bubble blue dish were the first items I bought for Momichan for eating time and is one of the older she has, the plastic green bib in the photo has been bought short afterwards and has become very useful in time, she is using it still now and she has one also in red, it is part of a set composed by cup with lid, plate, spoon and bib.

Many other eating sets have been bought after to be changed every meal and stimulate Momi to recognize colours and shapes but I guess the black penguin cup with his blue berret is her preferred. Time has passed by and baby Momichan has turned into a small kid, highchair has become too small and unconfortable to seat inside so this morning we have gone to Ikea store and bought a junior chair, Momichan chosed tis one in a brilliant green colour, she loves it ! Once home she has wanted to dcorate it with adhesifs of Tinkerbell and now she loves to climb on it every time is eating time, she comes into the kitchen, opens her drawer, takes out her dishes, tools and cups and prepares her things on the table then climb up her chair and laughs so much, she is so sweet really, she also likes to take her puzzles with her and display on the table and play while I finish preparing her food ^^

sayounara ^^


laura said...

grazie!stavo cercando invano anch'io una sedia simile...economica..avevo cercato sul sito ikea ma nn ne avevo viste simili. riguarderò!

Unknown said...

ciao ^^
si chiama URBAN e costa 35,28 euro
c'è in bianco, nero o verde a Momi piaceva verde e così ...
ti metto il link, fai copia e incolla ^^
Esiste con lo stesso nome e a poca differenza di prezzo la stessa sedia in versione normale da grandi,è per questo che a Momichan piace anto perchè è uguale alle nostre sedie ^^
eccoti il link diretto da cliccare:

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