Thursday, September 13, 2012

playing park

Today is the first day Momochan is getting out of kindergarden at 16.00 PM since she has started.
As it's quite sunny and still warm we decide to visit the nearby playing area, Momochan wants to go on the sliders and balances.
First thing I notice is that Townhall has finally changes the pic nic table, the old one was for kids and the measure was smaller, it was all broken, this one instead is adult shaped and new so that we can seat to draw or read while kids cal play around.
After a little time we are there, some of Momochan friends arrives, between them a couple of brothers, the bigger is in kindergarden with Momo but in another section, the smaller who now is more than 1 year old is really grown up ! we did not see them since last day of school in june and during the summer the smaller brother has changed so much, we left him on the stroller and now he walks and runs very quick, laugh more than ever, he still doesn't know how to speak but he is able to make the other understand what he wants pointing at things and making strange sounds :)
Momochan is happy because now she can play with her friends and is not more alone in the park.

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