Thursday, March 15, 2012

climbing the tree ...

As every day as soon as we get out the kindergarden Momichan and I go to the nearest park to play. Days are sunny recently and really hot and inside the park there are nearly all the kids of the kindergarden and the backside elementary school :) the result is the park is totally full but the kids does not have much to play: the slider is not secure because needs reparation, balances are half of the necessary, 2 instead of 4 one of which was for baby kids 7 month old, other attractions are too old and in bad conditions to be used. The only thing are the balances but how can you do 50 kids and just 2 balances ???? the Major doesn't say a single word on that, we (mums of the kindergarden) are trying to get many signatures in a petition to take to Townhall but we think it will not be useful, Major says "we have not money enough" but nonetheless they have spent 980000,00 euros to do a cycle track we did not need (but practically no cycle track have been done, just old sidewalk have been asphalted again but the cost is not 980000,00 euros !!!), this public administration is literally throwing away million of euros (saying they have not !!!) for idiot things we do not need, parks are a disaster, schools are the same, public green ... well is better not to talk about ... everything is going completely ruined and Major is doing nothing, at this point I have to say the park where we go is in the center of the town, like if we were in Milano, the park wuld be Duomo plaza, but the urban decline is really terrible !

The result of all the situation is that kids try to amuse not always in the convention way, Momichan was simply coping some kids of her class climbing a tree !!! it was not really dangerous because she was just at 10 cm from the ground but the tree was not happy at all to feel all the tiny feet trample on it :), iside the park the cannot go with the bikes, but ousite on the sidewalks is even more dangerous, the cannot play with the ball or skate, practically they can do nothing except use the attractions which are broken ........................... !!! no other place to go from 16.00 PM on, if you do not have a car like the major part of the parents here, the only thing we could is run or play hide and seek (not many places to hide really !) and have a giant strawberry ice cream !!! HAHAHA in our preferred coffee shop today ice creams have come out :) and Momichan was the first to eat one :) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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