Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Momi's Bento Box

Today we had to go ChinaTown to buy some japanese foods we can find only there.
We were walking around and we were curiosing around inside the shops to see if there were some novelties.
In one of our preferred stores where usually we buy edamame, I found a new bento box, inside the shop they had the same bento in three different measures: one, two and three tier.
I bought the smaller one but I was thinking whenever I will go next week by bicycle with Momi to buy another one bigger.
I will use this one for Momi to take around her snacks and future bento I will prepare her as soon as wse will have the new kitchen at home, cannot wait to have my new kitchen ^^
Here is the new bento box, light brown decorated by flowers, very cute, name is written in japanese and is correct even if the bento is made in China, shape is round and I have to say it is a big box for a baby 2 years old.
I can use it also for my future work thanks to the two handles I do not need to use a bag to carry it, I can use for Momi to take food or snacks when we go to the park or if we go on trip somewhere, I can also put some ice cubes on the bottom inside a plastic bag to keep food fresh ^^
We also visited Kathay and we bought some noodles, green tea mochi and three bowles for rice, green decorated by sakura flowers, they were discounted, we thought they will be very useful for rice, spaguetti, sweets and whatever we will want to cook and serve on the table. Momichan also found some Hello Kitty hair pins and obviously we were forced to buy :)) you can see in the foto she is wearing one ^^

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