Friday, August 13, 2010

First Aid .... Hospital

Bad adventure today for my baby Momichan.
This afternoon when Momichan woke up from her usual nap her cheeks were red and face was hot, I took her temperature and discovered she had 39 degrees fever !!!
I decided to take her to First Aid at the children hospital, so I prepared her bag with a change, books, kitty pelouche and some drinks and togather with Sampei and granny we went to Buzzi hospital (where she was born 21 months ago, the only hospital in Milan specialized for children).
After a short time the doctor visited Momichan, fever was disappeared but Momichan was feeling hill. Doctor applied her a special sac and sent us to the waiting room (special sac works to contain urine so that instead of doing urine inside the nappy she would do inside the sac).
After a while we returned inside so that doctor could take the urine and make a test .... exam was positive for a bacterial infection.
To be absolutely sure, doctor said us he would need to do a blood exam and another urine check but instead of using again the sac doctor had to apply a special silicone tube ... well just a few minutes ago Momichan had burst into tears because of the needle inside her arm which was aspiring her blood and sending it to a small container but now that the doctor was inserting a silicone tube to aspire urine she was literally terrorised, I had never seen my baby so terrorised by something, I did not know what to do to keep her calm, she had already done the same thing when she was 9 months and on that occasion everything has gone ok bot not today. Momichan was shouting terrorised, moved and struggled so that three nurses had to help to keep her blocked while doctor worked, it was horrible to see but I had to be present, I kissed Momi, caressed her, hugged her, whispered her sweets words, sang songs but nothing seemed to help, finally doctor succeeded in taking some urine and all was over but not for Momichan, the result was that she was still weeping like a crazy for more than half an hour during which we had so much to do to keep her calm singing songs, hugging her again, tell her we were proud of her, kissing her and finally she calmed and fall asleep.
In the meantime doctor was analyzing blood and urine and after 20 minutes called us again inside (we were in the waiting room again) to give us advices on what medicine to give Momichan and to tell us we would have to make other exams in a couuple of weeks (one is an ecography, the other is again the urine taken with the special sac).
We arrived home at 11 PM, Momichan was exausted poor sweetie, I put her a new nappy and a fresh pijama, gave her milk, hugged her and put her to bed.
At first she did not want to sleep and wanted to stay in my arms, I hugged her again, kissed her sweetly and told her a story, gave her milk again and after a while she fall asleep.
Foto you see over there is Momichan before going to bed with a blue Ikea patch I put her on her arm (where the doctor put the needle) to make Momichan smile a little ^^

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