Friday, September 6, 2013

2nd day of kindergarden ;)

Today Momochan is starting kindergarden again.
This will be her last year, next year she will attend elementary school ;)
Today Momochan is verry happy, she will have many novelties, first of all 17 new little kids 3 years old in her class and second but not last, a notebook and a pencil case like big kids !!!
Teachers will get kids accustomed to notebooks and the way of doing of elementary school, not really teaching how to write but giving another step to kids to grow and enter in a bigger world ;)

For the first four days, kids will have to wear the special t-shirt they have decorated last spring, see in the foto ? every shirt had notes (the theme of the year) and the name of the kid in a corner, each kid has decorated his own t-shirt and afterwards teachers have ironed each one to get the colours strong and make the shirts washable ;)
Once arrived at school we discover kids of the class are so few: looking at the bags attached in the bathroom (containing a change for the kids just in case), they are only six (Momochan's bag is the second one) ;)

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