Momichan everyday invent something, she is growing fast and she is curious.
As you know, we are moving in my mum's house now, bathroom is nearly finished and is already working, I already cleaned and filled with some of our belongings.
The bricklayer had to come today early in the morning to finish his work on the wall so it was best for us to sleep there to be there on time at 8.30 (impossible if were at our normal home).
In the afternoon around two o c'lock as everyday I tried to put Momichan to bed in the bedroom upstairs for the nap and Momichan as everyday since nearly one month, did not agree to rest.
I went downstairs hoping she would fall asleep shortly, in the bathroom upstairs the bricklayer was finishing to put white PIASTRELLE on the wall, all of a sudden we (my mum and I were in the livingroom) heard the sound of little nude feet running around and the volice of the bricklayer calling me ! I go upstairs and see Momichan smiling running everywere !
HEY WAIT !!! I am sure I put her to bed, in her usual camping bed (bought last summer to go to the mountains) why is she running everywhere ? I take Momichan and put to bed again, she calm a little, grabs her comforter and turns to one side, I go down again.
neither five minutes time have passed, again we hear her tiny feet running upstairs !!!

I do not have any idea how she does but she is able to come outside her camping bed, you see from the foto I took last summer, is quite deep but she comes outside.
The only solution to prevent her from falling badly and aching trying to get out is to buy a new crib wich has the possibility to remove one bed side so that she can easily climb into/out of the bed (the one which Momichan uses home is a
Sniglar Ikea bed which unfortunately has no removable bed side) so we went straight to Ikea to buy the
Hermellin coloured red :) and also a
guard rail; once home I put it togather to show Momichan how to use and she seems to love but we will see next days anyway I noticed she has learnt something new: she can easily sleep in her new bedroom alone without any problem !
I mean, as you probably know we are moving to my mum's house in the upper floor where there are two bedrooms and a bathroom, surrounded in two sides by a balcony, it was where my sister and I lived when we were children, now we are transforming and enlarging including one of the two sides of the balcony so as to enlarge the two bedroom, in this way my big room becomes bigger to contain living room, kitchen and dining table, the smaller bedroom (my sista's) becomes larger so as to contain a 3 meter large wardrobe, our 140x200 cm bed, drawer chest and Momi's crib for a total of 45 square meters in total, bathroom included.
To enlarge and have the new wall we have to wait for the permissions until november so for the moment the smaller room is just big enough for a 2 meter large wardrobe, drawer chest and Momi's crib, we do not have any space to sleep both with her neither on the floor and anyway is not so comfortable to sleep for six months on the floor using just sleeping bag ..... too hard :)
Here is new Momichan Hermelin Bed ^^